
Winter Preparedness

A Winter Preparedness Workshop took place on Thursday 15 September 2022 with over 30 attendees dialling in with representation from upstream and midstream from UK & Norway.  The workshop was opened by Tom Wheeler (Director of Regulation) from NSTA.  Thereafter 4 presentations were given from; Shell, Norway Offshore, PX Limited and Vysus Group that covered a wide range of learnings in relation to preparing for the harsher weather that winter brings. 

A number of these learnings focussed on the use of pre & post checklists as organisations prepare for winter or experience the winter weather.  Some of these included ensuring that resources are available (grit, PPE, snow/ clearing equipment), dropped object surveys (pre/post), use of heat tracing to keep the plant online, ensuring that plant weather mitigations remain in place after the heat of summer (windscreens as one example) and the impact of weather on the human in terms of fatigue, concentration, etc.

The workshop achieved its main objective of sharing experience and practices across industry; a summary note and slide deck can be found in the links below.  A potential follow-up option is a Technical Note that allows for the sharing of good practice in relation to winter preparedness.


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