Mariesha Jaffray, Oil & Gas UK’s Continuous Improvement Manager
Over 50 oil and gas company representatives have been nominated as part of a key network re-launch that Oil & Gas UK is spearheading under its Efficiency Task Force (ETF).
Set up in 2015, the Continuous Improvement Network looks to better understand the nature of efficiency in the UKCS by examining collaborative and continuous improvement practices. Specifically, it seeks to understand what promotes and hinders improvement in the basin.
Hosted by Brian Rodger of Nexen, the event will be held on Monday, October 29, and aims to re-energise continuous improvement experts from across the supply chain, whilst providing an update on the work of the ETF to date.
Mariesha Jaffray, Oil & Gas UK’s Continuous Improvement Manager will be joined by Adrian Wookey from ECITB (Engineering Construction Industry Training Board) who will highlight the progress of a new training tool which is being piloted. Other organisations will also be presenting, including Asco, Sharecat and Robert Gordon University.
She said: “The Continuous Improvement Network acts as a key facilitator for the work of the Efficiency Task Force in improving the competitiveness of the UK Continental Shelf.
“With a network of continuous improvement champions working in companies right across the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry, the ETF continues to build the foundations for a more sustainable and globally competitive industry, with optimisation a key focus as we look to the future.
“The voluntary continuous improvement network has already made a valuable contribution to industry in championing innovation, driving change and challenging old habits.
“From developing sector case studies, to hosting roadshows, the network is a prime example of how we are working together to maximise economic recovery from the UK Continental Shelf. This re-launch will reaffirm our ambitions and purpose as we look to build on what we have gained so far.”
The event, which will be held at Nexen’s office in Kingswells, Aberdeen, comes amid the development of the second phase of Oil & Gas UK’s Efficiency Hub – the first of which was launched last year to provide a one-stop shop for initiatives which help industry improve its performance.
The new interactive dashboard, to be officially launched at Share Fair on October 31, will offer a variety of tools and case studies to help businesses optimise for the future.
For more information on the Continuous Improvement Network event or how to get involved contact Mariesha Jaffray at [email protected]
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