The Operators Decommissioning Technical Group (ODTG) has identified that the operator community would value from a set of cost benchmarks to assist in developing performance metrics for decommissioning across the Work Breakdown Structure. This TFG has been formed to develop a mechanism for compiling such cost benchmarks within OGUK.
Decommissioning Benchmarking Task Finish Group
Joe Leask, OGUK
Vice Chair
Richard Heard, OGUK
Reporting to the DOTG, the Decommissioning Benchmarking Task finish group’s objectives are as follows:
- Develop a business case and methodology for developing a benchmarking process under the ODTG.
Once the business case is accepted by the ODTG, it is anticipated that OGUK on behalf of the TFG will conduct the following:- Gather data from Operators for benchmarking – starting with wells data
- Initially develop benchmarking and reporting approach for wells data
- Share outputs with ODTG
- Develop and agree a basis under which the outcomes from the TFG will be shared with industry
- Determine steps to develop benchmarks for other WBS elements (e.g. removals, subsea, post CoP OPEX etc…)
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