The North Sea Transition Deal is a quid-pro quo deal between Government and industry. This means OEUK, on behalf of industry, works with The Department for Security and Net Zero to make sure the Deal is on track.
The NSTD is governed by an industry/government Deal Delivery Group (DDG). The DDG’s terms of reference and attendees for this group are here. It holds regular meetings with a deep dive into one of the five NSTD commitments per meeting. One of the main aims of the DDG is to address issues or blockers and resolve them collaboratively and swiftly. The NSTD also provides updates to the North Sea Transition Forum which is chaired by the UK Energy Minister.
OEUK provides the Project Office (PMO) for the NSTD. As PMO, we manage the overall progress of each commitment and coordinate the delivery of input from other bodies including Global Underwater Hub and OPITO, the industry’s training organisation.
We have appointed theme leads internally so that their work on each commitment forms part of business as usual for OEUK. This allows us to have our subject matter experts using their skills to help deliver the deal. Combined with our Programme Director, Mike Tholen, and our Programme Manager, Emily Taylor, and representatives from our communications and external relations team, these theme leads form the NSTD Project Team.
You can find out more about our Project Team below.