Guidelines on Qualification of Materials for the Abandonment of Wells – Issue 2
OEUK’s guidelines have been prepared to provide a reference for well operators, manufacturers and regulators on the qualification of materials suitable for the temporary abandonment and permanent abandonment of wells in the UK and its continental shelf. The document compiles the current industry expertise to provide guidance on how materials for suspension and well abandonment can be qualified.
Guidelines for the Abandonment of Wells – Issue 5
The intent of these guidelines is to provide the framework for the decision-making process that should accompany any well-decommissioning activity. The guidelines have been prepared to support well operators on the considerations that need to be taken during the phases of decommissioning a well and provide minimum criteria to ensure full and adequate isolation of formation fluids both within the wellbore and from the surface or seabed. This revision, Issue 5, has been made to clarify and update some areas of the guidelines based on well-operator experience and feedback.
Guidelines on Well Abandonment Cost Estimation – Issue 2
The principles and practices described in OEUK’s Guidelines provide a common approach to estimating field-wide well-decommissioning costs. The Guideline outlines best practices based on industry experience. Whilst not prescriptive, their application will aid UK Operators of offshore and onshore oil and gas wells to generate estimates.
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