Standard agreements

Industry Model Form Study Agreement and optional Schedule 6



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This Schedule 6 is designed for use where the Scope of Work that is to be performed by the Performing Operator includes any work at or in connection with a Site (which may, without limitation, include inspection, investigation and/or testing of the Site or part thereof) and/or providing the Requesting Operator with access to a Site for inspection purposes, but has not been designed to accommodate (i) Site Work being performed (in whole or part) by the Requesting Operator and/or (ii) Site Work that involves the Performing Operator making physical modifications to a Site and/or (iii) Site Work that involves any disruption to production operations or any other operations at a Site.

If, notwithstanding the drafting note on the cover page of the Industry Model Form Study Agreement, the Performing Operator and the Requesting Operator intend that Site Work is to form part of the original Scope of Work then:
–  this template should be added to the back of the Industry Model Form Study Agreement and thereafter be tailored for use by the Performing Operator and the Requesting Operator together with the other terms;
–  the table of contents and associated page references set out in page 2 of the Industry Model Form Study Agreement should be updated to include reference to Schedule 6 SITE WORK (and Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 thereto for completeness); and
–  the page numbering applied to this Schedule 6 should be updated to reflect the preceding pages of the Industry Model Form Study Agreement.

The pack also includes an Explanatory Note for the Use of the optional Schedule 6 to the Industry Model Form Study Agreement.

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