Health & Safety

Medical Aspects of Fitness for Offshore Work: Guidelines for Examining Physicians – Issue 6

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OEUK’s Medical Aspects of Fitness for Offshore Work: Guidelines for Examining Physicians – Issue 6

Medical Aspects of Fitness for Offshore Work: Guidance for Examining Physicians Section 4: Fitness to undertake in-water EBS training exercises.

Guidelines for Examining Physicians Issue 6

The implementation of in-water training exercises with compressed air emergency breathing apparatus (EBS) for survival course trainees also requires the implementation of a medical assessment of trainees‘ medical fitness to participate in such training. Breathing compressed air underwater involves the hazard of barotrauma, but for healthy survival course trainees, the risk of this occurring in the circumstances of training is assessed to be very low.

The objective of the fitness for in-water EBS training is to:

a) ensure trainees have understood the nature of the hazard of barotrauma, that some medical conditions may increase the risk and the importance of providing an accurate medical history in order to individually assess risk

b) classify trainees as either ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ for in-water EBS training as simple as possible

c) ensure all trainees have received an explanation of risk mitigation measures in general, and that trainees with medical conditions have received personalised risk mitigation advice relevant to their condition

d) provide documentary confirmation of fitness status, for employers and training providers

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