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Salus launches online safety analysis software

26 October 2022

Aberdeen-based safety process company Salus Technical has launched the first online software to analyse human error risks within major hazard industries.

Safety critical task analysis (SCTA) is designed to predict and understand the role that human error plays in major accidents. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has advised that there is room for improvement in this area and Salus Technical’s solution supports major hazard industries in their quest for safety, Salus said October 26.

Built in collaboration with Aberdeen-based STC INSISO, the software’s main purpose is to simplify, streamline and optimise the creation of task analyses. These are to ensure the correct performance of safety-critical tasks.

The software is available now and a demonstration can be booked via the Task Analysis website:

L-R: Laura Dawson (Product Manager), David Jamieson (Founder), and Umar Abdurrehman (Process Safety Engineer)
Credit: Salus

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