OEUK news

UK’s offshore oil and gas industry responds to Committee on Climate Change report

2 May 2019

OGUK, the leading representative body for the UK’s oil and gas industry has committed to work with governments on the practical response to the Committee on Climate Change report published today (Thursday 2 May).

In addition to industry work to reduce operational emissions from offshore production, the sector is well placed to support the advancement of low carbon technology, in particular carbon capture usage and storage and extending the production and use of hydrogen.

Speaking in response to the report, OGUK Chief Executive Deirdre Michie said:

“This report provides a balanced and thoughtful blueprint towards a lower carbon future, with our industry at the heart of a managed transition.

“The recommendations are rooted in practical choices that need to be made and recognise that achieving such reductions are challenging and have a cost.

“We stand ready to work constructively with governments, regulators and other industries in their response to the recommendations of the CCC report so that together we can deliver solutions that achieve the reductions required, without sacrificing security and affordability of energy supply for consumers and which do not disadvantage UK industries against their international competitors.”

The report also confirms the role of home-produced oil and gas in enhancing the UK’s energy sovereignty and the level of production anticipated by the report is consistent with the industry’s own projections.

Deirdre Michie added:

“At the same time, we recognise the serious challenge to our industry to reduce our operational emissions for offshore production in the coming years and to contribute positively to the decarbonisation pathways outlined in this report.

“As the report notes, the UK’s oil and gas industry is uniquely placed to help lead the world in the development and deployment of CCUS and other lower carbon technologies at scale, building on the re-use of offshore infrastructure, our geological expertise, and skills and knowledge of our supply chain.”


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