OEUK news

30th Licensing Round welcomed by Oil & Gas UK

25 July 2017


Oil & Gas UK has today welcomed the announcement by the Oil and Gas Authority that it has launched its 30th Offshore Licensing Round focusing on mature areas of the UKCS.

Oil & Gas UK’s upstream policy director, Mike Tholen, said:

“The launch of the 30th Offshore Licensing Round offers companies the exciting opportunity to bid for fresh acreage and an interesting inventory of yet to be developed discoveries.

“The OGA has worked closely with industry to prepare for the round and provide a wealth of data offering fresh insight on the potential of the UKCS.

“Cost effective deployment of technology will be critical to the success of the round and we support the 30th Round Technology Forum which the OGA and the Oil and Gas Technology Centre are co-hosting on 22 August 2017 to help make a success of the Licensing Round.

“Given the improved efficiency and cost effectiveness of the UKCS, the 30th Licensing Round has all the ingredients to prove successful for the UKCS, and indeed for the UK economy.”


Notes to Editors

Issued by the Communications Team, Oil & Gas UK. Contact Natalie Coupar 01224 577343/ [email protected]

Oil & Gas UK is the leading representative organisation for the UK offshore oil and gas industry. Its membership comprises oil and gas producers and contractor companies.

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