
Niall Rowantree, VP of Energy at Blend

Tell us about your business. What sets you apart?

Blend is a global advanced data solutions consultancy comprised of award-winning data scientists, data engineers, BI consultants and strategists who help our clients build agile, digital solutions and organisations that are fit for a modern energy landscape.

We like to think about ourselves as the plumbers and carpenters of data and AI. We help companies practically understand and prioritise data initiatives that will bring the most value to their business, and then design, deliver and deploy the initiatives.

What sets Blend apart is our commitment to delivering rapid, tailored solutions using the best of our global expertise and technology. We have strategic partnerships with leading tech providers and industry experts, ensuring our clients benefit from solutions perfectly suited to their needs. Our independence allows us to remain tool-agnostic, recommending and implementing the most appropriate technologies for each unique challenge, free from vendor constraints.

Our diverse team has a breadth and variety of experience in energy and other sectors.  That means we can bring lessons and insights from across energy, but also from more data-mature industries like finance and retail.

What projects are you working on, and how do they contribute to the company’s mission and vision?

Blend believes that data and AI are critical for building a smarter, cleaner energy future, by driving efficiencies and enhancing decision-making.

A prime example is our recent work with an energy logistics company, where we automated a manual transport process that had been in place for over two decades. This project transformed entrenched workflows, simultaneously improving individual working lives and overall business efficiency. Crucially, we achieved genuine adoption from teams by building solutions with them, not just for them.

Our experience working in the energy sector challenges the idea that frontline industry workers resist change. Instead, we’ve found an appetite for innovation when it’s implemented thoughtfully and collaboratively. It’s the tangible difference we make to businesses and individuals that fuels our passion for data-led innovation in the energy sector.

What opportunities and challenges lie ahead for you?

The rapid development of computing power and techniques has ushered in an era where the advantages of technology can be realized more quickly than ever before. For instance, machine learning models that once took weeks to train can now be fine-tuned in hours. This speed of innovation opens exciting avenues for Blend to help companies and individuals – who are ready to innovate and disrupt – integrate new cutting-edge technologies and solutions.

However, these opportunities come with their own set of challenges. The pace of change, particularly in areas like generative AI, can feel like drinking from a firehose. A critical challenge lies in understanding how these rapid developments will impact the energy industry whilst organisations navigate the risks associated.

Our goal is to guide businesses through this complex landscape by fostering an environment of innovation where teams can experiment safely and effectively.

How is OEUK membership benefiting your business, whether in terms of networking, resources, or industry insights?

OEUK has curated a fantastic community of energy professionals; these connections are both meaningful on a personal level and allow us to stay attuned to the sector’s evolving needs and challenges, ensuring our solutions remain relevant and impactful.

Have you participated in any recent OEUK events? Which events are you looking forward to this year?

Earlier this year I attended the OEUK Digital Engineering Workshop. It was an extremely high calibre event with a great cross section of Operators and Supply Chain companies being open and honest about the gains they’ve made and the challenges they’ve faced.

All of us at Blend are very excited for OEUK’s Data and Digital Conference to come back next year. We think it’s fantastic that OEUK is putting a spotlight on the effective use of data and AI for this industry and supporting its members to better understand this as a focus area moving forward.

OEUK has over fourteen Forums, which forums do you attend and what do you like most about them in particular?

Data and Digital is our focus, so OEUK’s commitment to helping its members here is important for us.  The IM forum most closely aligns with our expertise and offer to industry, but it might be nice to see this expand to have a broader data and analytics remit.

What notable changes towards achieving net-zero emissions have you observed in our industry in recent years?

First, there’s been a marked increase in dialogue and awareness surrounding net-zero goals.  The conversation has moved from the periphery to the centre of industry discussions. We’re seeing sustainability and emissions reduction feature prominently in business strategies, industry conferences, and public communications (such as this!)

Second, companies and regulators are no longer content with vague commitments to sustainability; instead, they’re establishing specific, measurable, and time-bound goals for emissions reduction.

How is your company contributing to the industry’s transition to a net-zero future?

Our contribution to the net-zero transition is centred on harnessing the power of data and AI to drive sustainable innovation, optimise operations, and empower decision-makers. We’re committed to being a catalyst for change, working alongside those in the energy sector who are ready to embrace new technologies and approaches in the pursuit of a cleaner, more sustainable future.

How do you see the industry looking in 20 years?

Anthropic’s had this to say

“The offshore energy industry in 20 years will likely shift towards renewables, especially offshore wind, while maintaining some oil and gas production with improved environmental practices.  New opportunities may emerge in offshore hydrogen production and carbon capture as the industry adapts to climate goals.”

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Working together, producing cleaner energies