OEUK news

Conference focuses on building the UK’s digital offshore energy ecosystem

8 June 2023

Offshore Energies UK’s conference on Tuesday June 20 at Aberdeen’s Union Kirk focuses on the UK’s Offshore Energy Digital Strategy, which is critical for the UK’s ambition to expand into cleaner energy sources.

The conference builds on the work of the Offshore Energy Digital Strategy Group, which coordinates a joined-up, cross-sector approach to using digital technologies to decarbonise the UK energy system and ensure the nation has security of supply. OEUK hosts the event with support from the North Sea Transition Authority, the Net Zero Technology Centre and the Open Data Institute with sponsorship from AMDARIS.

The full-day conference comprises four interactive sections including presentations, panel discussions and case studies, giving delegates ample opportunity to learn, challenge and help shape the UK’s digital offshore energy ecosystem.

Conference themes include a focus on establishing common data principles across sectors, skills development and digital transformation within both small and large organisations. The programme includes an update on building shared data platforms and toolkits, discussions around Environmental & Social Governance (ESG) data applications plus cost-effective ways of using digital twin technology to boost business value.  

Dan Brown OEUK’s Head of Data & Digital said:

“Coordination across the energy system is vital if we are to unlock data and digital technologies to accelerate the energy transition. Our industry has a reputation for innovation, and this conference will play an important role in helping us work together to develop a digitalised and fully integrated offshore energy system that will drive ever cleaner energy production.”

Nic Granger, Chair of the Digital Strategy Group and NSTA Director of Corporate:

“Data and digital technologies will play a vital role in the delivery of an integrated North Sea energy system, which underpins the UK’s security of supply and drives net zero. Collaboration across the different parts of the energy sector will enable this transition to take place much more quickly. That’s why conferences such as this one, which get the right people in the room to share success stories and learn lessons, are so important and I am thrilled to be taking part.”  

 Dan Patrascu-Baba, Technical Director, Amdaris:

“The convergence of offshore energy and digital innovation requires a strategic and common vision for digital skills development across the entire sector. The new era of AI tools, where minds and machines harmonize might bring a lot of untapped opportunities in this regard and the OEUK digital conference is the right place to dive into it and prepare for the future.”

The conference provides an arena for delegates to share knowledge, encourage engagement, and to contribute to the digital future of offshore energy.

More details about the conference and booking information is available here


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