Name Practice Full address Practice telephone Contact email address
Clair Wade DDRC Healthcare 8, Research Way, Plymouth Science Park, Plymouth, PL6 8BU, UK 01752 209999 [email protected]
Clare McGill PAM Group Ltd. Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3RH, UK 01918143700 [email protected]
Clifford Masson Crimond Occupational Health Crimond Medical Community Hub, Logie Road, Crimond, AB43 8QJ, UK 01346 532215 [email protected]
Comfort Fummey Granite Occupational Health Ltd. 14 Victoria Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1XB, UK 01224 543483 [email protected]
Cristina Romete ROC Health Westhill Business Park, Peregrine Road, Aberdeen, AB32 6JL, UK 01224515254 [email protected]
Cyprel Chidumebi Ijeh Stemax Consult Healthcare Services Limited Old Stratford Business Park, Falcon Drive, Old Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK19 6FG, UK 01908032992 [email protected]
Dafydd Williams Humbermed Limited The Annexe, 30 Lockwood Road, Beverley, HU17 9GQ, UK 07522 375383 [email protected]
Damian G Moran Occupational Medical Services Ltd The Coach House, 16 Chapman Street, Sheffield, S9 1NG, UK 0114 256 0408 [email protected]
Danny Wong Medicals Plus The Axis Building , Maingate, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 0NQ, UK 0191 404 6808 [email protected]
David Carey Templar Medical Manor Farm House, Bedstone, Bucknell, Ludlow, SY7 0BE, UK 07979 755631/ 01547 444007 [email protected]
David Cooper MCL Medics 14 Albert Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1XQ, Scotland 01224 938083 [email protected]
David Johnston TAC Healthcare Rothesay House, 134 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 4HF, UK 01224 047287 [email protected]
David Leiper Harbour Energy plc 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2EN, Scotland 07590 508442 [email protected]
David Newman TAC Healthcare Wellheads Crescent, Wellheads Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7GA, UK +44(0)7850501547 [email protected]
David Parson Mcdermott Occupational Health, Room 220, Building 3 Chiswick Park, London, W5 5YA, UK 02036925597 [email protected]
David Richardson Edinburgh GP Ltd 2 Randolph Place, Edinburgh, EH3 7TQ, UK 0131 2025454 [email protected]
David Rosenberg Tic Health 112 Harley Street, London, W1G 7JQ, UK 03333582111 [email protected]
David Winfield Shirehampton Health Centre (Group Practice) Pembroke Road, Shirehampton, Bristol, BS11 9SB, UK 0117 916 2239 [email protected]

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