OEUK news

About the ETF

5 June 2017

Efficiency Task Force


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The Efficiency Task Force (ETF) was established in response to the sharp increases in cost, decreases in efficiency and a fall in production volumes that left the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) exposed to the decline in oil price. The ETF aims to seek out, promote and provide access to efficient practice across the oil and gas industry while maintaining safe operations. Specifically, to:

  • Identify and improve the efficiency of key business processes by reducing waste, non-value-add activities, and unnecessary duplication
  • Remove over-specification through the introduction of standardisation and simplification standards and associated certification
  • Increase industry-wide engagement with efficiency practices

About the Efficiency Task Force from Oil & Gas UK on Vimeo.



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Phil Simons 

ETF Chairman,
Vice President. North Sea & Canada
Subsea 7

Contact the ETF Team



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ETF Steering Group 

The ETF is guided by a multi-discipline team of high-level oil and gas professionals. The steering group meets regularly to track the progress of on-going projects and explore new areas of interest.


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Currently the ETF has five active work groups that are working with industry to identify potential efficiency savings across three key themes – Cultural Change, Simplification and Business Processes.

Cultural Change

Encompassing all of the ETF’s work is the ongoing drive for pan-industry behavioural change. Through smarter, more collaborative working practices, industry can drive down costs and become more resilient, whatever the oil price.



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Business Processes

Business process improvement has a long standing, proven track record of driving outstanding business performance in many other industries, for example, in manufacturing and aerospace.


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Simplification focuses on developing and adopting simplified approaches and standard solutions to lower costs, accelerate delivery and reduce operational complexity.





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