Accident and Failure Frequency Data Group

David Piper, Total

Health, Safety and Environment

About this group

This group exists to identify a suitable process for maintaining and updating accident and failure frequency data.

Available to: OEUK member companies working in the field of major hazard management and includes persons in roles such as technical authorities, managers, specialists, consultants and verifiers.


  1. To identify a fit for purpose, sustainable process for maintaining and updating population data previously kept within the HSE HCR database, appropriate to industry resources/requirements, and acceptable to industry and the regulator, for recommendation to the OEUK Board.
  2. Identify potential future improvements for QRA failure frequency data quality, to be reviewed once the HCR database population data process is completed.
  3. To provide oversight to the development of a JIP scope and proposal for the development of a standard methodology for use of HCR data in QRA to be presented to the MHM Technical Group.


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