Tier 1 Contractors Forum

Graeme Rafferty, OEUK

Supply Chain

Supporting Documents
Tier 1 Contractor Forum ToR

About this forum

The overarching objective of the T1CF Special Interest Group is to provide its members a forum and a mechanism to discuss the challenges that major contracting companies and the wider supply chain in the UK’s Oil and Gas industry are facing in relation to operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). Under the auspices of OEUK, it is possible that structured and compliant information exchange may take place via a third party, in order to work towards industry-wide best practices and / or benchmarking tools.

To this effect, OEUK will host regular T1CF meetings to discuss the current issues and explore improvements and efficiencies each individual member may want to adopt. The meetings will initially be hosted every quarter and ideally will follow a theme or set of themes nominated by members. Where appropriate, guest speakers will be invited to present expert information on specific topics. Where issues arise that require research or industry action, the group will have the ability to propose work to OEUK for action via OEUK teams or Task / Finish groups.

All members acknowledge and agree that the purpose of T1CF Special Interest Group is not to be used by its members as a tool to identify and signal any individual commercial strategies to each other or reach an anti-competitive agreement. Each member recognises that individual commercially sensitive information is not to be shared directly with the members of the group.

T1CF membership is available on a non-discriminatory basis to member organisation which:

  1. Is operating or intends to operate in the UKCS as a contractor and has or will have a direct commercial relationship with a client.
  2. Will be represented by person(s) who have appropriate expertise and a key decision-making role within the organisation dealing with the subject matter.
  3. Agrees to abide by the Terms of Reference

Forum objectives

  1. To provide members a forum and a mechanism to discuss the challenges that major contracting companies and the wider supply chain in the UK’s Oil and Gas industry are facing in relation to operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS).


For general help and enquiries, or to join OEUK Forums and Workgroups email our Membership team or phone 01224 577338.

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