OEUK news

Industry conference expands frontiers to drive new direction in decommissioning mindset

14 October 2019

“Expanding Frontiers” is the theme for the tenth Offshore Decommissioning Conference, co-hosted by OGUK and Decom North Sea on November 25-27. The event will explore how by achieving step changes in its current mindset, the sector can make the most of potential business opportunities in the UK and global decommissioning markets.

With Forth and Tay Decommissioning as its principal sponsor, the two-day event at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews is expected to attract up to 500 people. Delegates will be encouraged by leading UK and international experts to think about new ways to help the sector build on its improving efficiency performance, grow business and support the energy transition.

Commenting, OGUK’s upstream policy director Mike Tholen said:

“Our ability to handle the growth of decommissioning activity that’s occurred over the past decade shows an industry coming of age.  As we will hear at the conference, and the tenth edition of our insight report will show, performance continues to improve with the UK’s decommissioning capability attracting increasing international interest.  There’s an exciting future ahead of us, decommissioning will present new opportunities to reuse old facilities and infrastructure for activities such as carbon capture and storage which will help the UK meet the net zero challenge in years to come.”

Decom North Sea’s chief executive, John Warrender said:

“The North Sea decommissioning market is a world leader. The Offshore Decommissioning Conference’s tenth anniversary is a timely opportunity, not only to reflect on how far the market has come, but also to herald the next generation of decommissioning capability and opportunity. The “Expanding Frontiers” title is apt; it encourages us to share our knowledge, globalise our expertise and build upon the disruptive technologies we’re creating. As the industry matures there’s increasing evidence of a developing market as new commercial models are introduced, aggregating workscopes and achieving economies of scale. This is an evolving industry and we must ensure we are prepared for upcoming challenges.”

Conference delegates will be among the first to hear from regulators including the HSE, OPRED and the OGA about a range of topical issues including recent government consultations on decommissioning and area planning relating to critical UK Continental Shelf infrastructure.

With a newly-introduced conference breakfast on day two, focusing on the government’s Call for Evidence on the UK’s position as a global decom hub, this year’s event also includes a spotlight on international players, the  introduction of a Technology Zone run by the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, a showcase for performance improvements in well decommissioning, plus a session focusing thoughts on how decommissioning will play a key role in the energy transition and future applications within the renewables sector.


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