OEUK news

INEOS Oil & Gas – Marine PSV Sharing Solution

27 November 2018

Problem Statement  

The PSV spot market was not an economic solution for INEOS’ Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI) support  – The challenge was trying to share other Operators’ PSVs with production assets when the time on a NUI platform is limited.


The aim was to work closely with other local operators who had PSVs on charter and who were willing to collaborate on a workable solution while sharing goals and expectations.


INEOS identified an Operator with spare capacity on its chartered PSVs and logistics teams worked closely to set out a flexible sharing agreement without onerous terms and with an element of trust.


The INEOS logistics team works closely with the other Operator’s marine coordinator in the field to communicate the requirements of INEOS’ platform(s) and activities on a day to day basis  ensuring INEOS works within their sailing plans. Good communication mitigates the impact of schedule changes with enough awareness of each others operations. Throughout the first year of the agreement, the operational & cost benefits of such a flexible sharing agreement have enabled INEOS to manage the requirements and demands of a NUI without an INEOS chartered PSV.

Total Savings Anticipated


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