Horisont Energi and Neptune Energy have signed a preliminary agreement to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Norway. Known as Errai, it could hold 4-8mn metric tons/ year, with room to grow, they said August 30. They have not yet decided on a coastal location for the terminal, which will take deliveries of the gas from Norway and the continent, but it will be in the south.
Neptune has been reinjecting CO2 in the K12-B gas field in the Dutch North Sea for the last 14 years, as well as being a partner in the Norwegian Snøhvit field. The partners have been reinjecting CO2 there since 2008.

Neptune’s Norway and UK boss Odin Estensen, said: “Errai complements Neptune’s strategy to store more carbon than is emitted from our operations and from the use of our sold products by 2030.”
The CEO of Horisont, Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, said: “We are delighted that Neptune Energy chose to work with us on this large-scale industrial CCS project… We believe that this project and our other CCS activities are essential for the net zero transition.”
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