OEUK news

New business and diversification opportunities flagged at oil and gas Share Fair

20 September 2017

North Sea operators and contractors will share their forward activity plans with the supply chain at a major industry event in Aberdeen this November.


Share Fair – organised by Oil & Gas UK – will take place on November 1 at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre. This year’s event also aims to strengthen the resilience of the UK’s oil and gas supply chain by showcasing opportunities for businesses to diversify into other industrial sectors including nuclear and renewables.
Ken Cruickshank, Supply Chain Manager with Oil & Gas UK, said:


“Representatives from seven operator and major contractor companies will give a look ahead to activity that’s coming up over the next 18 months to two years.  We’ve found in the past that this information can be a shot to the arm for supply chain companies who can gain valuable intelligence about future projects, and a better understanding of how their equipment, expertise and services could be deployed to meet the needs of potential clients.


“The presenters will also shed light on some of the technical or operational problems they are encountering, encouraging potential suppliers to discuss possible solutions.


“Share Fair is promoting a more collaborative approach to business, and by getting suppliers involved in projects at an earlier stage, it supports efforts to maximise economic recovery of the UK Continental Shelf.”


“Many companies are keen to understand how they can increase their resilience in the current downturn and apply their existing skills and technologies to other industries. This year Share Fair will have organisations including the Energy Industries Council (EIC) promoting some of the global opportunities available in other sectors such as renewables, and nuclear.”


Places can be booked on Oil & Gas UK’s website here . Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are still available – contact [email protected] to arrange.




Notes to Editors:


Issued by the Communications Team, Oil & Gas UK. Contact Communications Manager Jennifer Phillips on 01224 577279 / [email protected] or Lucy Gordon on 01224 577331/[email protected] or Natalie Coupar on 01224 577343/[email protected] .



Oil & Gas UK is the leading representative organisation for the UK offshore oil and gas industry. Its membership comprises oil and gas producers and contractor companies.

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