Applying diversity and inclusion in organisations
Sophie Neale, Well Fluids Production Chemist at Shell

50:50 Operations Initiative
50:50 Operations is a scheme started in 2019 by Balance at Shell to promote a gender inclusive environment in our operation assets. The scheme involves a three tiered approach with updated joining instructions, a buddy system & an awareness campaign.

Awareness Campaign
The data collected from the focus groups is now being used to collate a list of recommendations for all assets collectively on measures they can take to create an inclusive environment. Once an asset can demonstrate they are providing positive actions in each focus area they will be awarded a ‘balance badge’.

Industry wide
Whilst we can make great changes on our assets, an industry wide campaign is going to be required to help with larger issues. These are standard PPE sizing/labelling, survival suits, hire vessels & culture shift. We look forward to begin work on these in 2020.

Joining Instructions
New joining instructions and information were created for those going on location with the focus being to inform staff on the lifestyle at offshore & onshore installations. A video was also launched on what to bring offshore.

The Buddy System
We provided an informal buddy system to create an open network for advice and to provide mentors who have experience on specific assets. The system has 26 mentors with a range of experiences. This buddy system has helped both men & women gain connections ready for offshore & help prepare them on what to expect on their specific asset.

Awareness Campaign
The final and largest piece of the scheme involved creating focus groups of operations staff to collect experiences at assets. After the focus groups several focus areas were identified: Code of conduct, PPE & survival suits, sanitary provisions, sanitary disposal, laundry, facilities available, room sharing, joining instructions & culture/behaviours.