OEUK news

OEUK responds as Sir Keir Starmer MP and Anas Sarwar MSP address Scottish Labour on Great British Energy plans 

31 May 2024

Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) comments after the Labour leaders addressed their party in Scotland. OEUK is proud to represent over 400 organisations in the integrated offshore energy sector and their supply chains and skilled people across every parliamentary constituency.

David Whitehouse, CEO OEUK comments:

It was good to hear again from Labour that if they win this General Election, they won’t turn off the taps and revoke oil and gas licences and they recognise the need for oil and gas in the UK for many decades to come. We now need to understand how they plan to work with the sector, to safeguard oil and gas jobs and build a sustainable and secure energy future that leaves no one behind.

“We share the ambition to make the UK a green energy superpower. A successful path can only be one that recognises that in the journey to net zero we need both renewables and our homegrown oil and gas sector. You cannot protect jobs and communities, safeguard our energy security, create enduring economic value, and deliver on our climate goals without embracing our existing industrial strengths.

“Great British Energy’s ambition cannot be delivered without the UK’s oil and gas sector. OEUK will work with all parties during the election and in government to champion this message and develop the detail businesses need to have confidence to invest here in the UK.”


Notes to editors 

As the country prepares to decide on its future government on 4 July, OEUK is calling on all parties to choose a homegrown energy transition.  A transition that safeguards jobs, energy security and accelerates economic growth. Policy decisions made by the new Government will be felt for decades to come. This General Election campaign is an opportunity for all parties to support our world class industry and its people.

You can download a free copy of OEUK’s industry manifesto here

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