Operations & Technology

ASTF Joint Venture Hub Strategy Good Practice Template



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The Asset Stewardship Taskforce, under the North Sea Transition Forum, was established to support the NSTA Strategy, in respect of both production and net zero obligations by improving asset stewardship in the UK Continental Shelf area.   A cross-industry ASTF workshop was held in June 2023 with representatives from Well Operators, Regulators & OEUK. The topic was split into four themes: JV Hub Strategy, ERAP, Learning & Sharing, Culture. The purpose of the JV Hub Strategy:

Develop a fit for purpose industry best practice approach to Joint Venture (JV) hub strategies that identifies areas of value, improves delivery, and drive more collaboration and cross-industry improvements.

  1. ASTF : Joint Venture Hub Strategy Good Practice Template
  2. ASTF : Joint Venture Hub Strategy Good Practice Document

A task group (TG) was formed to capture the opportunities and challenges industry is facing regarding current hub strategies and opportunities to enhance greater consistency across the UKCS. The TG after reviewing the current as-is assessment reviewed and shared most effective Hub Strategies either as lead operator or JV partner. Through this exercise the TG concluded a template of requirements would be beneficial and should easily deliver the core aims of the JV Hub Strategy to identify areas of value, improve delivery, drive collaboration and improvements. The NSTA ASTF Joint Venture Hub Strategy is available here: {Add Link}

This good practice is to be accompaniment to the NSTA Asset Stewardship 1 (SE1): https://www.nstauthority.co.uk/media/5895/oga_se1_joint_hub_strategy_july_2019.pdf and does not replace the current SE1 or any future updates.

There was also a recognition that although a standard template was developed it should not be used as the sole template. All parties must be willing to expand and share additional items for inclusion as merited to address area nuances.

The Industry Good Practice document and accompanying template is used to give practical advice on how to comply with NSTA Stewardship Expectation 1. The Task Group aspiration and intention if an Operator follows the template you should be complying with the JV Hub Strategy Stewardship Expectation.

Thank you to our collaborators

Many thanks to the ASTF Co-chairs: Adam Bradley (NSTA), Jo White (Perenco) Mark Wilson (OEUK) for the support plus Mark Sanders (Harbour Energy) as the Task Group lead of the Joint Venture Hub Strategy

The following people & organisations heavily contributed to the production:

  • Bart Van der Sterren (One Dyas)
  • Carol Stewart (Serica Energy)
  • Craig Stevenson (Equinor)
  • Keith Wise (OEUK)
  • Mark Sanders (Harbour Energy)
  • Michael Brady (Repsol)
  • Paul Muir (Harbour Energy)
  • Tony Peters (NSTA)

We also thank the following organisations for initial feedback received to date through the wider ASTF membership:

Aker Solutions | Anasuria | Apache | Equinor | Harbour Energy | Ithaca | NSTA | NZTC | OEUK | One Subsea | ONE-Dyas | Perenco | Repsol | Serica Energy | Shell | TotalEnergies

For further information or to get involved please contact any of the above members or Keith Wise [email protected]

Download ASTF Joint Venture Hub Strategy Good Practice Template here 

Download ASTF : Joint Venture Hub Strategy Good Practice Document here



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