Technical notes and resources

Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems (PEMS)



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The Predictive Emissions Monitoring (PEM) working group was conceived as a spin off from the OEUK Environmental Operators Group. The objective of the spin-off was to draw on the collective experience and knowledge of the industry stakeholders to understand the following:

• What are the drivers for PEMS?
• What is OPRED’s position on PEMS?
• What would PEMS need to do?
• What are realistic timelines for implementation?

The group concluded that there are no mandatory regulatory drivers for PEMS and that compliance with the monitoring requirements for Large Combustion Plant (LCP) Chapter III of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) (2010/75/EU) could be achieved through routine stack sampling. A PEM system would however provide additional and complementary support for efforts to comply with the PPC permit LCP monitoring conditions and may in time reduce or replace the need for periodic sampling.

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