Trevor Stapleton, OGUK’s health and safety manager
Leaders and experts in the oil and gas and aviation industries will come together to discuss helicopter safety at an event hosted by OGUK in Aberdeen next week.
The aviation seminar will explore ways in which the sector can build on progress, whilst remaining alert to issues affecting the industry through ongoing engagement with the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), helicopter operators, HeliOffshore and other stakeholders, to further improve helicopter travel.
Sponsored by CHC Helicopter, the event will be held on Tuesday, June 25, at the AECC and will include presentations from industry leaders and keynote speakers including Mark Abbey, regional director at CHC, Matt Abraham, supply chain and HSE director at OGUK, and Trevor Stapleton, health and safety manager at OGUK.
The opening address will be given by Mark Swan, group director of safety and airspace regulation at the CAA, whilst delegates will also hear from a licensed helicopter engineer and a captain – both of CHC – who will share an insight into their roles and what they see as the future for aviation.
Commenting on the event, OGUK’s health and safety manager, Trevor Stapleton, said:
“The UK’s offshore oil and gas industry is supported by one of the most modern helicopter fleets in the world – and safe helicopter operations is at the heart of what we do.
“Over the past 20 years, industry-led initiatives and CAA research projects have brought many safety improvements to operations.
“Our industry is vital for security of energy supply, whilst supporting hundreds of thousands of highly skilled jobs and contributing billions to the economy.
“As we look towards achieving Vision 2035 – the industry’s shared ambition meet as much of the UK’s oil and gas needs from home-produced resources – we will examine how can we learn from the past in order to plan for a successful, incident-free future for offshore travel.”
Mark Abbey, regional director for Europe, Middle East and Africa at CHC, said: “CHC is delighted to sponsor this important seminar. Building strong, safe and resilient helicopter operations is vital as we support the oil and gas industry of the future.”
The seminar will also include speakers from Bell Helicopter, Bristow and HeliOffshore and will cover topics such as helideck safety, technology and HeliOffshore’s safety programme.
The full agenda can be viewed here.
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