Compression Systems
Determining the key drivers of compression system failure
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Unplanned shutdowns and maintenance account for substantial production losses with compression system outages the main cause, equating to the loss of a minimum of 40 million barrels of oil equivalent per year.
The work group aims to determine the root cause of compression system failures and develop good practice guidelines for maintaining operations.
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[su_box title=”Compression systems tools” style=”default” box_color=”#330072″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]
Click here to see and download the latest efficiency tools for compression systems
Efficiency Case Studies – Business Processes
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[su_box title=”Tell us about your efficiency initiatives” style=”default” box_color=”#330072″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]
Is your company running an efficiency initiative? Tell us about it!
The Efficiency Task Force (ETF) is always keen to learn about and promote the great work being done by industry to make operations smarter and fit for purpose.
We invite companies to submit technical case studies and press releases, which Oil & Gas UK will use to gauge progress, identify blockers, and promote successes.
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