OEUK news

5 Things to look out for at SPE Offshore Europe from OEUK

4 September 2023

Offshore Energies UK will be in attendance at SPE Offshore Europe Conference & Exhibition at Aberdeen’s P&J Live from Tuesday 5th – Friday 9th September. As the leading representative body for the UK’s offshore energy industry, we are proud to engage, inform and champion the sector and its people. Here are five things to look out for from your member body at #OE23 #50YearsofOE

  1. Game changing insights…political lunches and business breakfasts

On Tuesday we’re hosting a lunch with former Labour MP and former UK Energy Minister Brian Wilson CBE. Since leaving politics in 2005, Brian has written extensively on energy issues and we look forward to him sharing his reflections from his time in office as well his perspective on where the offshore energy industry is now and then future challenges and opportunities. Energy is firmly at the heart of UK politics and with a general election expected in 2024, you can grab the few remaining tickets here.

Wednesday will see the launch of our 2023 Economic Report. The business breakfast is already sold out, but do visit our stand to get your copy of the report and visit our website where the press release and report will be available from early morning.

  1. Championing OEUK members…shining a light on success

Our media team and magazine editor are on the lookout for stories to share on our channels. If you are a member and making an announcement throughout Offshore Europe and beyond, please do contact [email protected] and we will be sure to share it! You can read issue 56 – summer edition of our magazine now. If you’d like to be featured in the next edition or would like to discuss advertising, please contact editor William Powell on [email protected]

  1. Make the most from your membership…and find out how to join!

Colleagues from across OEUK will at our stand throughout the week to answer questions, share information and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing your business. Please do come and have a chat with us at stand 2K60, Hall 2.

  1. Contributing to the conversation

Throughout the conference, our expert colleagues will be taking part in plenary sessions on a range of issues including talent attraction, energy security, carbon reduction initiatives and careers advice. Check out the conference keynote programme and technical sessions.

  1. Shaping the agenda…and building support for the industry

Speaking ahead of Offshore Europe week, OEUK chief executive David Whitehouse has encouraged politicians and policy makers to use the major conference and exhibition to learn more about how its homegrown sector can help tackle key challenges facing the country. Find out what he had to say here

OEUK regularly shares information and materials for industry and member use. Get involved here.

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